

Agenda 2021
Was sind Ihre Pläne für 2021?
Oder lassen Sie das Jahr einfach einmal auf Sie zu kommen?
Egal wie. Die handliche Agenda von Frisch Frech ist der ideale Begleiter für unterwegs, um Ideen, Visionen und Pläne fest zu halten. Erhältlich bei uns in der Boutique

#adventkalendar2020 #ungewohnt #special #unique #giftideas #cool #upcyclinggift #greengifts #christmasiscoming #weihnachtsgeschenke #agenda #planner #christmas #givelove #weihnachtsgeschenke



HO HO HO//WEIHNACHTSKARTEN ❄️Why not sending Christmas Cards to your love ones❄️ Dies kunstvollen Weihnachtskarten wurden von Celine Geser gestaltet. Celine Geser Illustration & Design

#adventkalendar2020 #ungewohnt #special #unique #christmasiscoming #weihnachtsgeschenke #weihnachtskarten #celinegeser

Wir wünschen Euch ein besinnliche Adventszeit.
Salome und Lyn


❄️100% Merino Wolle ❄️Masse: 32 x 210 cm
❄️Swissmade im Bahnhof von Turgi gestrickt.
…..ein kuscheliger Schal schenkt uns Wärme und macht glücklich……🧣

#adventkalendar2020 #ungewohnt #giftideas #geschenkideen #special #swissmade #christmasiscoming #fraeuleinrosarot #herrus #merinowolle

Neu eingetroffen Söcklerzwerge

Die Zwerge sind von Silvia Lamprecht aus Richterswil gefilzt. Jeder Zwerg ein Kunstwerk Filzwesen

Wenn Sie nicht in den Laden kommen können, können wir die Zwerge auch zu Ihnen bringen.

NEW Arrival Kuscheliges von Frilo

Die Strickerei Frilo in Huttwil besteht seit 100 Jahren und wird in der dritten Generation geführt. Die Geschäftsführer Patrizia und Mauro sind extrem sympathisch. Nachdem sich die Schals von Frilo gut verkauft haben, haben wir es dieses Jahr gewagt das Sortiment etwas zu erweitern. Mit Strickjacken, Stickkleidern, Pullovern und natürlich haben wir auch wieder die heiss begehrten Schals. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch in unserer Boutique


I have never in my life claimed to be an adventurer or outdoors lover – but one thing I know for sure, I do love nature. But more than that, appreciating nature makes me more motivated on my journey to sustainable living at the same time, connecting myself to it. I was able to just be the real me and connect with the version of myself that felt the most authentic and true. Being surrounded by the mountains has a powerful effect on something deeper. It’s as if being amidst something greater than ourselves, changes our perspective and insight on life and the things that really matter. Somehow without trying, you are able to confront your demons, re-evaluate your problems or your goals or your desires – you are able to widen your perspective and reflect on ‘the big picture’. It’s as if there is an energy source in those mountains that you can tap into and feed off of. Getting out there literally fuels you and rebalances you; you will notably feel more calm and happy, and less anxious. There was never a time that I left the mountains without feeling refreshed, happy and inspired – ready to take on anything that came my way. Spending time out in the mountains really takes things back to basics. There is no wifi – money doesn’t matter out in the woods or up on a mountain top. It’s just you and mother nature. And just like us in ungewohnt, CONNECTION TO NATURE MEANS EVERYTHING. CONNECTION TO NATURE MEANS BETTER SOUL.


As I became member of ungewohnt family, I can only say that ungewohnt and Salome had a great influence on how I integrate my everyday taking not only sustainable approaches but also being socially responsible. She even in fact encouraged me to design my own ungewohnt shirt. Something that one day , I dreamt to do. And so that day has arrived , I am so happy and proud that I was given a chance to design my own ungewohnt piece. Of course all with guidance, support and lots lots of patience from Salome, together we in the long run were able to create one. I personally have always loved printed shirts with letters, so I decided to blend my shirt with colors I like and combining all the letters of ungewohnt plus our logo was an idea that came through my mind. From then, Salome gave me ideas of possible combination of colors and the patterns of design that helped me through the process. Then, she printed as many possible letters of different colors for me to choose from and to play with, for me to be able to finalize what color combination I like and then decide for the final position of the letters on the body of the Shirt to print. It took time but its worth it , and we finally both approved the Shirt design and printed the shirt happily at the Shop. It was really for me an overwhelming experience that I was able to create my ungewohnt piece, something I never even thought I can do. But I was not alone and Salome was there patiently with me the whole time. Im sure this will not be the first and last Shirt we will make together, Im really looking forward for more. But at the moment, I am so proud that I have created and designed my very first SUSTAINABLE shirt that I will keep with me always With best Regards Lyn


Dresses are made to become your long time companion. Can you agree? I have got this conservative mentality that dresses are worn only for occasion, but I realized it is NOT. Me and my journey of having a sustainable mind set encourage me more to explore the beauty of sustainable fashion being created by Salome. I am featuring this blog because I wanted to share the experience and privilege I had wearing this amazing dress. This dress and together with all newly designed creations of ungewohnt this year will be presented for at the next Walk the Lake Fashion Show in Richterswil. (Stay tune guys for further announcements) Can you guess which MATERIALS she used? Yes. You are right. Salome used Swiss Tulle and suede fabric having a velvet soft texture that made the dress really airy and comfortable to wear. Ungewohnt started use Tulle one year most of our this years collection and indeed with this fabric, Salome is in process to create a lot of cool costumes both for men and women. Now let us take a look about the THE DRESS CUT. The TOP. With V -West Cut Style gave the dress sophisticated yet chic look. Underneath the top is a blouse designed with wide arm long sleeve. Also because of the lightweight feeling of the Tulle fabric used made the dress flares out dramatically. Can I say I felt like I was wearing a wedding dress??……..:) The SKIRT. This Pencil Style Skirt is a straight and narrow type cut which makes you feel it close and tight to your body. But believe me, the fabric was too soft that I even for a second I forgot I was wearing a skirt. It is because the feeling was like I was wearing a sporty leggings. Underneath the skirt is also the tulle fabric cut longer than suede skirt brought much accent to the whole dress. I believe every single piece in our ungewohnt collection has its own unique design and purpose. All originally came from Salomes inspiration and imagination. I could tell this dress was designed to boost confidence without giving too much effort. Brought indeed happiness and comfort. Lastly and the most important thing about the dress is, it was HANDMADE WITH LOVE and full of expression of creativity and passion. A big hug and Thank you Salome for all the effort and patience for the dress. We both know its all worth it.

T-Shirt printing a la ungewohnt

swissmade #fashion #ungewohnt #beyourself

Be your self be unusual

All Swiss Made all made with Love and inspired by nature.

Hallo Ihr Lieben. Morgen währe die zehnte Editon des Walk the Lake Richterswil gewesen. Na ja erstens kommte es anders und zweitens als man denkt. Lasst uns ein bisschen in Erinnerungen schwelgen. Ihr müsst unbedingt den Sound an machen. Ein grosses Dankeschön an die Models die mich jedes Jahr unterstützen und Willy von Filmpro Mächler für die tolle Fotoserie: Ich wünsche Euch ein sonniges uns erholsames Wochenennde. Eure Salome Die schönen Sachen gibt es bei uns in der Boutique und auf #swissmade #fashion #ungewohnt #beyourself